Archive by Author

Now Accepting Open Enrollment

Our new website is moving right along and we are now accepting open enrollment for one low LIFETIME price of just $50!

Our goal is a lofty one; to become the largest web-based directory of speakers available in the world!

You don’t have to be part of any club or association to join. You don’t need to have a certain number of speeches under your belt or attain a certain number of paid speeches per year to be included in this list. You don’t need to know someone in high places or be referred by someone who is already established in the pro speaking business. And, you certainly don’t have to pay what some are charging up to $1,000 per year to be part of!

Employer Employee Loyalty Speaker Jim Rohrer

Jim Rohrer Speaker on Saving American Jobs and Improving Your Bottom Line One Employee at a TimeSaving American Jobs and Improving Your Company’s Bottom Line One Employee at a Time

Divorce Speaker Joan McWilliams

Picture of Joan Mcwilliams Divorve SpeakerJoan McWilliams inspires her audiences to move past the experience of divorce and into a new life of adventure and fulfillment.

Motivational Speaker Bonita Joy Yoder

Bonita Joy Yoder Speaker PhotoRecapture Your Childhood Greatness.

Golf Humor Speaker Bobbi Bolden

Picture of Bobbi Bolden Humor Golf SpeakerBobbi Bolden offers stand-up comedy style presentations using humorous golf stories and analogies to motivate your audience.

Transformational Leadership Speaker Bob Vanourek

Transform yourself and your company as Bob Vanourek will engage the audience and inspire those who want to change their lives.

Nutrition Speaker Susan Piergeorge

Picture of Susan Piergeorge Nutrition speakerSusan Piergeorge teaches her audiences proper diet and nutrition, health promotion, sales, marketing, and offers cooking demonstrations.

Higher Education Reform Speaker Dr. Doug Gilbert

Doug Gilbert Speaker on Higher Education Reform and Local Government20 years of professional speaking experience in the areas of higher education policy, social enterprise and local government.

Writing Authoring Speaker Anne Randolph

Anne Randolph Speaker for Authors and WritersWrite Naked! Write Your Life Story.

Natural Childbirth Speaker Rhondda Hartman

Picture of Rhondda Hartman Natural Child Birth SpeakerRhondda Hartman inspires her audiences to prepare mentally and physically for natural childbirth.