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Women’s Empowerment Speaker Joan Moran

Women's Empowerment Speaker Joan MoranJoan Moran turns the world upside down for success. Former theater entrepreneur, actress turned yoga and tango instructor, author of a new memoir, SIXTY, SEX, & TANGO, CONFESSIONS OF A BEATNIK BOOMER, Joan speaks to three key groups who want to live abundant and passionate lives: to women who want to empower themselves for real success both personally and professionally, to businesses who want to create a new paradigm for examining their true bottom line in terms of worker satisfaction, and to boomers and seniors who want to get rid of the old cliches about retirement and live an exciting and fulfilling life. Joan’s dynamic, humorous, and physical keynote presentations highlight five simple but effective tools to achieve success and reach the highest level of human potential.

Empowerment Speaker Robyn Benincasa

Empowerment Speaker Robyn BenincasaRobyn Benincasa, one of “California’s Fittest Women”, accepts full responsibility for inspiring people to do insane things like climb Mount Kilimanjaro, run their first triathlon, start their own adventure racing teams, or start their own business. She lives in San Diego, California, and is available for keynotes throughout the U.S. Robyn emphasizes teamwork, leadership, and motivation, and reminds audiences, “the brightest stars don’t create the greatest teams; the greatest teammates create the greatest teams.”

Entertainment Speaker Christine Cashen

Entertainment Speaker Christine CashenChristine Cashen is the author of the book Good Stuff: Quips & Tips on Life, Love, Work and Happiness, co-author of the book Mission Possible, Volume Eight, and an authority on sparking innovative ideas to handle conflict, reduce stress and energize employees. She is from Dallas, Texas, and is available for keynotes, half day, and full day programs. Christine combines a down-to-earth attitude with a colorful artistic streak, making her a sought after speaker worldwide.