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Personal Growth Speaker Eleanor Ward

Personal Growth Speaker Eleanor WardEleanor Ward is a Certified Life Coach with her AlterUrEgo BlogTalkRadio show, she also offers teleclasses and webinars on her website as well as working on her first book. She is available for Motivational Speeches, Keynotes, and Customized Coaching Workshops throughout the U.S. Eleanor is known for her TAKE ACTION lectures, she tells you not only how to be motivated but what steps to take to make your goals a reality.

Attitude Speaker Paul Martin

Attitude Speaker Paul MartinPaul Martin is the author of One Man’s Leg: A Memoir, as well as Drinking From My Leg: Lessons From A Blistered Optimist. A 1992 car accident claimed his left leg below the knee and he used this obstacle as a launching pad for a career in athletics, setting records in Ironman triathlon and winning Paralympic cycling medals. Paul is available anywhere in the world to deliver his keynotes known for pure authenticity that will spark laughter, tears and the discovery that all of one’s previous excuses no longer hold up!

Motivational Speaker Nanci McGraw

Motivational Speaker Nanci McGrawNanci McGraw is the author of “Organized for Success!” and “Speak Up and Stand Out” and sparkles with the same energy as a motivational speaker, trainer, and time/life productivity “DO-it” Coach as she did as a 100 award-winning radio/TV broadcaster.  Clients like AAA, AVIS, Boeing, Eli Lilly, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and Marriott call her “The First Lady of WOW!”,  “Motivator with More”, and “a passionate communicator with creative, clear ideas.”  Based near San Diego, California, Nanci has presented in all 50 United States, 7 provinces of Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, with every program reiterating her compelling trademark theme: “Life Rewards the DO-ers and WOW-makers!”

Sales Skills Speaker Bob Urichuck

Sales Skills Speaker Bob UrichuckBob Urichuck is a Sales Skills speaker – founder of the Velocity
Selling(tm) System and the Author of two best selling books “Up Your Bottom Line” and “Disciplined for Life: You are the Author of Your Future.” Based in Ottawa, Canada, Bob has used Singapore and Dubai as his ongoing hubs for the last 15 years and has spoken in over 1,000 cities in over 36 countries to audiences with as many as 10,000 participants at one event. Bob’s passion and energy, along with his advance adult learning techniques, allows him to quickly connect with audiences of diverse cultures and backgrounds, while providing value added, and non traditional, content.

Inspirational Speaker Jin Robertson

Inspirational Speaker Jin RobertsonDr. Jin Robertson, author of Major Dream: From Immigrant Housemaid to Harvard PhD, is available for keynotes throughout the world. She is known for inspiring and motivating her audience to live the best way they can while helping others, regardless of their background.

Inspirational Speaker Lani Starr

Inspirational Speaker Lani StarrAwakening Your Writers Voice:

Writing is an expression of our inspired inner voice, the beautiful visions derived from our solitary dreams, which brings heaven to earth. For within every soul there is the voice of an artist just waiting to be unleashed …

The Empowered Voice

Lani will discuss the connection between harmonic vocal power and personal/spiritual power (mana). She will offer tips for all of us to uncover more of our innate potential to have wealth, health, inner peace, and happiness, through the power of the harmonic voice.

The Energetic Entrepreneur

Teambuilding Speaker Brian Biro

Photo of Brian Biro Teambuilding SpeakerBrian Biro of Asheville, NC is America’s Breakthrough Coach! He has authored nine books including bestseller Beyond Success and is the most interactive and engaging teambuilding and leadership speakers in the world.

Brian has delivered over 1,200 presentations around the world in the past 21 years to organizations including Lockheed Martin, Starbucks, Allstate, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Southwest Airlines, and hundreds more.

He was rated #1 from over 40 speakers at four consecutive INC. Magazine international conferences and was named one of the Top 100 Most Inspirational Graduates of the UCLA School of Business in honor of their 75th Anniversary.

Motivational Public Speaking Lau Lapides

Lau Lapides speaker and trainerLau Lapides of lau lapides company offers years of award-winning professional experience as a motivational speaker, coach and trainer. She designs fresh and innovative speaking and communication programs to meet the specific needs of her clients while offering one-on-one coaching on a personal basis.

Lau gives people the tools and techniques to build their brand and become polished, confident, and compelling communicators. Her speaking engagements are highly interactive, fun and extremely engaging. For this reason, her client locations span around the globe.

Motivational Speaker
Dave Carey

Dave Carey Motivational SpeakerDave Carey, the author of The Ways We Choose: Lessons For Life From a POW’s Experience, is an inspiring motivational speaker from Austin, Texas.  A retired Navy Captain, Dave brings to his audiences a positive and up-beat message about being your best—doing your best, no matter their circumstances.  His keynotes connect with his audiences in a down-to-earth yet profound way, with fresh, motivating ideas, reminding us of the power stored within each of us.

Memoir Authoring and Writing Speaker Tammy L. Coia

Tammy Coia Authoring and Writing SpeakerTammy L. Coia is a speaker, author, teacher, curriculum and writing consultant for over two decades. Tammy Coia’s motivational and reflective seminars and classes have made her one of the elite teachers in the memoir writing field.  She is the President and founder of TLC Writing Workshops, a national (and soon-to-be international) company providing programs and products that turn memories and words into meaningful memoirs.