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Finance Speaker Lonnie Mathews

Finance Speaker Lonnie MatthewsLonnie Mathews is a motivational financial speaker who empowers audiences with tools and strategies to make immediate and long-term shifts in their lives. Lonnie gets audiences excited about taking charge of their financial futures. Lonnie speaks from the heart about his past to inspire all who hear  him speak to change their financial futures.

Retirement Speaker Kris Miller

Retirement Speaker Kris MillerKris Miller, is the author of “Ready For PREtirement”, Plan Retirement Early, so your money is there when you need it, and a Retirement and Estate Planning speaker/expert from California.  She is  available for keynotes and 3-hour intensive training workshops throughout the U.S. Kris is known for teaching the details that most Financial Planning speakers leave out when presenting ways to Plan their financial future.  You will hear her as a regular guest on CBS News/Talk Radio KFWB, in Los Angeles and she will share secrets that have been withheld for centuries.