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Depression and Mental Health Speaker Robyn Wheeler

Depression and Mental Health Speaker Robyn WheelerRobyn Wheeler is the author of Born Mad, a true-life story about dealing with a seldom-talked about mood disorder called Dysthymia. She is available for keynotes and workshops throughout the United States. Robyn is known for her blunt honesty and ability to speak about sensitive issues such as her own mental illness.

Motivational Speaker Nanci McGraw

Motivational Speaker Nanci McGrawNanci McGraw is the author of “Organized for Success!” and “Speak Up and Stand Out” and sparkles with the same energy as a motivational speaker, trainer, and time/life productivity “DO-it” Coach as she did as a 100 award-winning radio/TV broadcaster.  Clients like AAA, AVIS, Boeing, Eli Lilly, Hewlett Packard, IBM, and Marriott call her “The First Lady of WOW!”,  “Motivator with More”, and “a passionate communicator with creative, clear ideas.”  Based near San Diego, California, Nanci has presented in all 50 United States, 7 provinces of Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand, with every program reiterating her compelling trademark theme: “Life Rewards the DO-ers and WOW-makers!”

Motivational Speaker
Dave Carey

Dave Carey Motivational SpeakerDave Carey, the author of The Ways We Choose: Lessons For Life From a POW’s Experience, is an inspiring motivational speaker from Austin, Texas.  A retired Navy Captain, Dave brings to his audiences a positive and up-beat message about being your best—doing your best, no matter their circumstances.  His keynotes connect with his audiences in a down-to-earth yet profound way, with fresh, motivating ideas, reminding us of the power stored within each of us.