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Inspirational Speaker Lani Starr

Inspirational Speaker Lani StarrAwakening Your Writers Voice:

Writing is an expression of our inspired inner voice, the beautiful visions derived from our solitary dreams, which brings heaven to earth. For within every soul there is the voice of an artist just waiting to be unleashed …

The Empowered Voice

Lani will discuss the connection between harmonic vocal power and personal/spiritual power (mana). She will offer tips for all of us to uncover more of our innate potential to have wealth, health, inner peace, and happiness, through the power of the harmonic voice.

The Energetic Entrepreneur

Business Networking Speaker Bob Littell

Photo of Bob Littell Business Networking SpeakerBob Littell, based in Atlanta and creator of the “NetWeaving” concept has written three books on the subject which is best characterized as a Golden Rule and Pay It Forward form of networking.

His 2nd book, “The Heart and Art of NetWeaving” is printed by Xerox so all proceeds go to charity. NetWeaving is consistent with other cultures around the world and has become a global phenomenon, as you can see if you ‘Google’ the word.

Bob explains why in the long-run, and often much sooner, your NetWeaving efforts and activities will always outperform those of more traditional and more self-centered networking.