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Entertainment Speaker Christine Cashen

Entertainment Speaker Christine CashenChristine Cashen is the author of the book Good Stuff: Quips & Tips on Life, Love, Work and Happiness, co-author of the book Mission Possible, Volume Eight, and an authority on sparking innovative ideas to handle conflict, reduce stress and energize employees. She is from Dallas, Texas, and is available for keynotes, half day, and full day programs. Christine combines a down-to-earth attitude with a colorful artistic streak, making her a sought after speaker worldwide.

Personal Growth Speaker Raphael Natale

Personal Growth Speaker Raphael NataleRaphael Natale Award-winning trainer/speaker and author of the inspirational book The Art of Balance, is the founder of Authentic Technologies, a nationwide human resource development and training firm dedicated to accelerating the growth and productivity of individuals and organizations.

Raphael teaches people how to free themselves from the traps of their protective selves, connect with their true nature, and turn their potential into reality.

Health and Fitness Speaker Barb Bancroft

Health and Fitness Speaker Barb BancroftBarb Bancroft, RN, MSN, PNP, author of Live a Little, Laugh a Lot, An Apple a Day—the ABCs of Diet and Disease, and Kiss My Asparagus, is a healthcare educator from Chicago. Barb has provided over 2500 seminars to healthcare professionals and business professionals throughout the United States and Canada over the past 25 years. Barb is known for her humorous, entertaining and information-packed seminars that leave the audience laughing their way to healthier lifestyles.