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Motivational Speaker Alan Kowa

Sales and success speaker Alan KowaAlan Kowa is a South African speaker who is renowned for business speaking. With over 10 years experience at an amateur level, Alan became a professional speaker in 2011 and speaks to over 300,000 people a year. Alan’s talks are based on achievement and growing business. His talks are described as inspiring for change and shaping business for the 21st century.

Speaking in two continents, his message is able to capture the attention of any audience and inspire them to buy into the vision of the employer, improving overall quality of work and getting the employees to work harder.

Green/Environmental Marketing Speaker Shel Horowitz

Green/Environmental Marketing Speaker Shel HorowitzGreen/environmental marketing expert Shel Horowitz, multiple-award-winning author of 8 books including Guerrilla Marketing Goes Green, shows how ethics and green principles are keys to business success. Shel’s lively programs help businesses from top corporations to solopreneurs go green effectively and affordably, and then market that green commitment. Based in Hadley, Massachusetts, Shel travels to US speeches from Hartford, and to international events from New York or Boston.

Leadership Speaker Dale Collie

Leadership Speaker Dale CollieDale Collie uses the leadership skills of US Army Rangers to help key people succeed in tough times. His compelling and conversational story-telling brands key points of programs into the minds of audience members, motivating each person to implement immediately and assuring long-term recall.

Author of six books, Dale speaks to associations and corporations across the USA (paying his own travel expenses) and delivers cross-cultural programs internationally.

Sales Skills Speaker Bob Urichuck

Sales Skills Speaker Bob UrichuckBob Urichuck is a Sales Skills speaker – founder of the Velocity
Selling(tm) System and the Author of two best selling books “Up Your Bottom Line” and “Disciplined for Life: You are the Author of Your Future.” Based in Ottawa, Canada, Bob has used Singapore and Dubai as his ongoing hubs for the last 15 years and has spoken in over 1,000 cities in over 36 countries to audiences with as many as 10,000 participants at one event. Bob’s passion and energy, along with his advance adult learning techniques, allows him to quickly connect with audiences of diverse cultures and backgrounds, while providing value added, and non traditional, content.