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Depression and Mental Health Speaker Robyn Wheeler

Depression and Mental Health Speaker Robyn WheelerRobyn Wheeler is the author of Born Mad, a true-life story about dealing with a seldom-talked about mood disorder called Dysthymia. She is available for keynotes and workshops throughout the United States. Robyn is known for her blunt honesty and ability to speak about sensitive issues such as her own mental illness.

Personal Growth Speaker Eleanor Ward

Personal Growth Speaker Eleanor WardEleanor Ward is a Certified Life Coach with her AlterUrEgo BlogTalkRadio show, she also offers teleclasses and webinars on her website as well as working on her first book. She is available for Motivational Speeches, Keynotes, and Customized Coaching Workshops throughout the U.S. Eleanor is known for her TAKE ACTION lectures, she tells you not only how to be motivated but what steps to take to make your goals a reality.

Health and Fitness Speaker Dave Hubbard

Health and Fitness Speaker Dave HubbardDave Hubbard, from Atlanta Georgia, is an ex NFL athlete, author, inventor, coach and motivational speaker on fitness as it relates to improving personal performance. He is available for keynotes, breakout sessions, and 3-hour workshops throughout the U.S. Dave is an experienced speaker of over 30 years, and an expert at engaging and inspiring people to make small changes that produce big results that last a lifetime.