Major Robert R. Hayward II is an active duty Army Aviation Officer, owner of The Hayward, Johnson and Sumbler Group LLC, a consultant firm and motivational and inspirational speaker out of Dallas, Texas. In his speaking appearances, Robert shares how he has used his Christian faith and perseverance to overcome adversity and challenges he encountered as a leader in both the military and the business world. As a leader, Robert talks on topics of leading with compassion for others, setting the example and most of all lead with passion.
Profile Summary: Major Robert R. Hayward II, Army Aviator and Owner of The Hayward, Johnson and Sumbler Group LLC. out of Dallas, Texas speaks on his adversities and triumphs to high school, college students, service and Christian organizations. He speaks about inspiring and motivating those who want to make a difference in their environment and accomplish their life-long goals. Robert tells a story of hope, perseverance and faith that captivates the audience and moves them into understanding that all things are possible with a strong work ethic and determination. There will be obstacles and failures, but it is when you rely on fortitude and see the task through regardless of the outcome that makes you stronger in the long haul. Last, Robert talks about his walk with Christ and how the Christian principles have shaped him into the leader his is today and how those same principles keep him grounded and compassionate to those he is charged to serve.City: DeSotoState: TexasYears Speaking Professionally: 2 Largest Audience: 100Audience Targets: High School Students and Athletes, College Students (Undergraduate and Graduate), Veteran and Christian Organizations,Audiences I Avoid: NoneKeynote Length: 20 minutesKeynote Title: You Can Move Mountains The keynote discusses Robert’s experiences coming from humble beginnings in the pursuit of accomplishing his goals of becoming a leader in both the public and private sector and overcoming the adversities and challenges that come with trying to make a difference in your surroundings. Robert also talks about the potential that we all have as individuals to make an impact in our environment and how we cannot let fear and shortfalls deter us from our goals. Last, Robert discusses his walk with Christ and how he applied his Christian teachings to his achievements, leadership accomplishments and continued growth through maintaining his faith despite failures and shortcomings.Workshop Length: 15 minutes per topicWorkshops Described: Public Service, Leadership as a Christian, Small Business Development, Graduate and Fellowship Opportunities that my Companies Sponsors for future College Graduates, High School Financial Aid and Scholarship Awareness and Assistance.Travel: Anywhere with-in the United States.Speaker Website:
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